Here are some designs that i found fairly inspirational to my design.
The Bartle Bogle Hegarty office in japan by Klien Dytham is in some ways similar
my curved rectilinear forms (although cut in half).
I particularly like the white lacquered finish.
The way the conference table is made in this very interesting and reflects on japanese culture due to the unusual seating arrangement.
Sadly this interesting little office was shut in 2008 as it was only temporary in nature.

Another office of interest was Fast Forward by Propeller Z due to its modular nature and the way it plays with positive and negative forms. All the parts of the fittings come from one rectangular box with shapes cut out of it, the shapes are then repositioned in other rooms with the main shape being left as the main office arrangement. It is very minimal yet stylish.

The last office of interest was called Fred. Fred was made by Oskar Leo Kaufmann.
It is a small single unit office that is expandable. it measures 10ft x 10ft x 10ft when closed
and extends up to 710ft. It does this through the use of rails.
It is easy to transport and relocate and just needs to be hooked up to the facilities when in place.
Furnishings are built in.